How do I check my tyre size?

How do I know if I need new tyres?
It is now law that the minimum limit for tread depth for tyres is 1.6mm. The tread wear indicators moulded into the base of the tread grooves are set at this depth. Drivers found in breech of this will face a fine up to £2500 and 3 penalty points for each illegal tyre. However, by the time your tyres reach this level, the tyres ability to grip the road will be significantly diminished. Therefore through advice from the National Tyre Distributors Association (NTDA), Wells Tyres recommend that tyres should be changed when the tread depth reaches 3mm.
It is possible to check tread depth yourself with the 20p test! This will provide a rough guide to assess your tyre tread depth level. Simply insert the 20p piece into main tyre grooves around the circumference of your tyre, if the outer band of the coin is visible, it is recommended that you call into a Wells Tyres depot for a free tyre check.
There are numerous other reasons that tyres may be deemed unsafe and would warrant changing, such as bulges, slices, cracks and other sorts of damage. At Wells Tyres our free tyre checks are quick and convenient to you! Just call in to one of our depots at a time that suits you and one of our skilled technicians will check your tyres for tread depth, safety, damage and pressure totally free of charge. At Wells Tyres, your safety is our business.
How do I know what my tyre pressures should be?
Tyre pressures vary between vehicles, tyre size and how much load the vehicle is carrying. Usually, there will be a small sticker telling you what pressure should go into your tyres in the inside of the drivers door, inside the fuel cap or in your manual. Wells Tyres offer free tyre pressure checks and if you are unsure what pressure goes into your tyres, Wells can find out for you.
What do I do if I get a puncture?
If you notice a flat tyre the first thing you should do is put your spare on as driving a tyre on flat is unsafe and can destroy the tyre, and the rim. At Wells Tyres we can fix most punctures quickly and easily. However, sometimes the damage done to the tyre is too great to fix and the tyre is deemed by our tyre technicians as unsafe. For example, if there is damage to the side wall, the inside of the tyre (from driving on a deflated tyre) or there are visible wires or cords. In these cases, a new tyre is recommended. Call into Wells anytime to get a suspicious tyre checked for a puncture, or a puncture fixed.
Also, at Wells we have a mobile unit that will come to you quickly to fix any punctures or remove any wheels at your conveinence. Contact us now and we could be on our way to you within minitues.
What do I do if my tyres are waring unevenly?
If your tyres are wearing unevenly (ie greater wear in one area than another) it is most likely causesd by your wheel alignment being out. If your suspension is misaligned the tyre is essentially being forced sideways, resulting in greater tyre scrub, excessive, irregular tyre wear and can even affect the handling and safety of your vehicle. If wheel alignment is set correctly, tyres will last longer and control of your vehicle will be greatly improved. Some tell tale signs of suspension misalignment are excessive wear on either the inside or outside edges of your tyres and the steering wheel pulling in one direction. If wheel alignment is out you will usually find that they tyre is worn more on either the inside or outside edge of the tyre. At Wells Tyres we carry out a free wheel alignment check, so pop in any time.
If you find your tyre is wearing more on the middle, or around both outside edges, it is likely the uneven wear is caused by incorrect tyre pressure. At Wells we offer you a free tyre pressure check, so call in at your conveinence.
What do I do if my steering wheel is shaking?
Incorrect wheel balance causes a vibration/wobble in the steering when driving above a certain speed. If left, incorrect wheel balance can also lead to-
� Premature wear of tyres
� Rapid wear of suspension parts
� Reduction in your vehicles road holding and handling capabilities
� Less fuel economy
When you purchase tyres from Wells we will always balance your wheels with our state of the art balancing equipment. New tyres will often have inconsistencies in the rubber compound - wheel balancing will take account of this and encourage even wear on your new tyres, saving you money. There are various other things that can knock wheel balance out such as general tyre wear or an impact such as hitting a kerb or pothole. Wells offer FREE wheel balance checks to pop in any time!
What do I do if my steering is pulling?
If the steering wheel is pulling it is most likely that the wheel alignment on your vehicle is out. Vehicle misalignment can also cause greater tyre scrub, excessive, irregular tyre wear and can even affect the handling and safety of your vehicle. If wheel alignment is set correctly, tyres will last longer and control of your vehicle will be greatly improved. For a free wheel alignment check, call into Wells anytime.
What do I do if I hear an unusual sound coming from my car?
Call into Wells anytime and one of our mechanics will have a look over you vehicle and should be able to tell you what the problem is, along with providing you with a free quote on any work that needs done.
What do I do if my car won't start?
Wells Tyres offer a breakdown service. Our mobile unit can come to you wherever's conveinent, whether that be at home or at work. If the problem is thought to be a battery we can jump start your car for you or replace the battery for you then and there. Get in touch with us and we could be with you in minutes.
What do I do if my air conditioning smells?
Due to lack of use during the winter months condensation builds up in the conditioning system causing a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. Once the air conditioning is used again this build up of microbes is projected out through the vents creating an unhealthy atmosphere and possibly an unpleasant smell, which your passengers are inhaling into their lungs. Other benefits of a properly recharged air conditioning system are
� Efficient, cool air in summer
� Warm dehumidified air that easily demists steamed up windows in winter
� Filters pollutants and airborne particles such as pollen, helping allergy sufferers
� Odour free vehicle
� Save money of fuel consumption
So why not book your car into Wells today or contact us for a quote to get your air conditioning checked? As part of our service we'll carry out
� Temperature checks
� Evacuation of air and moisture from the system
� Leak Test
� Recharging refrigerant to recommended levels, adding fresh system oil as necessary
� Air conditioning cleaner to clear up bacterial build up and remove any unpleasant smells.
What do I do if my brakes are making an unusual sound?
You may need new brake pads, call into Wells and one of our technicians will have a look at your brakes for you.
What do I do if I need my car serviced?
Avoid expensive dealership rates and get your car serviced at Wells with no effect on your manufacturers warranty. Get in touch with us if you'd like a quote or to book in.